Minister of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Family Island Affairs
The Hon. Clay Glennford Sweeting

The Hon. Clay Sweeting is a former fisherman and businessman who is sharing his entrepreneurial spirit among Bahamians. Sweeting also served as the Deputy Chairman of the Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation where he has been instrumental in assisting and developing entrepreneurs and agriculture in the Bahamas. Sweeting served as the Chairman of the Spanish Wells Commonage Committee from 2008 to 2009 and is a member of the Bahamas Real Estate Association (BREA).
In 2008, he ran for the Spanish Wells Local Government Elections where he was elected and became the youngest member to ever serve in Local Government at that time.
Sweeting’s entrepreneurial spirit drove him to purchase half of a fishing vessel at the age of 17. He enjoys sports, fishing, travelling and just spending time with his family.
Sweeting was born on December 21, 1985 in Spanish Wells, Eleuthera. He received his early education at Spanish Wells All Age School where he graduated as Valedictorian, followed by his tertiary education at Teeside University.
Sweeting is married to Delia and they are the proud parents to Davin.
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