Consultancy to Evaluate Project Deliverables

Project Background

The Project Revitalization of The Sponging Industry is a national initiative conceived by Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation (BAIC) which seeks to equip Bahamas Commercial Spongers Association (BCSA) to ensure sustainability of the sponging industry; create market linkages; and assist sponge fishermen in moving up the value chain. The Government of The Bahamas has received financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for the services of a Consultant who will evaluate and make recommendation for adjustments as the project progresses and on completion.

The Consultant will be required to:

The objective of the consultancy is to prepare a mid-term evaluation report and a final evaluation report.

  1. Mid-term Evaluation. The Consultant will prepare the mid-term evaluation of the project. The evaluation’s main goals are to: (i) determine the trends in logical framework indicators and milestones; (ii) determine the effectiveness of Annual Plan of Operations and Project Execution; (iii) Determine the adequacy of the project baseline; (iv) determine difficulties, risks, and challenges in Project execution and recommended solutions; (v) determine the progress of the project activities; (vi) determine lessons learned and recommendations for project improvement and replicability. The mid-term evaluation will be prepared at the execution midpoint (16 months after project activities have commenced or when 50% of the project resources have been expended).
  2. Final Evaluation. The Consultant/team will prepare the final evaluation of the project. In addition to issues covered in the mid-term evaluation, the final evaluation’s main goals are to: (i)determine the impact of the project on the targeted group (ii) determine the results achieved in comparison with the objectives established (iii) determine lessons learned (iv) determine the sustainability of the project. The final evaluation will be prepared at the end of the execution period of the project unless an alternative date has been indicated.


  1. Review of project documentation. Review, as necessary, material related to the overall program, as well as background material used in project preparation, approved project documents, project monitoring documents, disbursement reports, progress reports, action plans, and other information made available by BAIC.
  2. Field visits and interviews: (i) Perform site visits in the beneficiary communities to carry out in depth interviews, inspection, and analysis of the project activities; (ii) interviews with BAIC staff, BCSA members, and partners who participated in the project’s design and execution; (iii) interviews with stakeholders; and (iv) interviews with a sample of Consultants and/or technical assistance providers who were hired by BAIC. For each of these interviews, the Consultant should first develop and present their ideas for the content and format of the survey/interview forms that will be applied to capture the information required, as well as the method to be used in administering them and tabulating the results.
  • Collection of data. Data generated from the BAIC’s monitoring system. The Consultant/team may propose additional methods of conducting the evaluations among other sources.


  1. Proposal. Submit a proposal of community visits and interviews during project’s implementation and also on completion. This proposal should include draft travel agendas; identify communities to be visited; and persons to be interviewed. The proposal should be presented to BAIC for review and approval.
  2. Mid-term evaluation. Consultant will present draft report 4 weeks after commencement of consultancy. Based on feedback from BAIC, the Consultant will present a final mid-term evaluation report one week after receiving such feedback.
  • Review of Indicators and Benchmarks following mid-term review. Submit short report to BAIC for their review and approval.
  1. Final evaluation. Consultant will present draft report 4 weeks after the end of the execution period. Based on feedback from BAIC, the Consultant will present a Final evaluation report two weeks after receiving such feedback
  2. Review of Indicators and Benchmarks following final review. Submit short report to BAIC for their review and approval.

Characteristics of The Consultancy

  1. The Consultant will be supervised by BAIC’s Project Coordinator, and work closely with the BAIC’s Project Team.
  2. Duration and type of consultancy. The Consultant will be offered a fixed-price contract for a total period of seven (7) months, inclusive of two consecutive months during the mid-term evaluation, and two consecutive months during the final evaluation. The consultancy is expected to commence in February, 2018.
  • The total cost of the consultancy should not exceed US$20,000.00 including all travel and other expenses incurred by the Consultant(s).
  1. The Consultant will be paid in the following manner: (i) 20% upon signature of the contract and submission and BAIC approval of mid-term and final review of project’s visits and interviews; (iii) 15% upon submission of draft of the mid-term evaluation and first annual revision of indicators/benchmarks; and (iv) 15% upon submission and acceptance by BAIC of the final version of the mid-term evaluation and revision of indicators/benchmarks report. (i) 20% upon submission and BAIC’s approval of project’s visits and interviews; (iii) 15% upon submission of draft final evaluation and first annual revision of indicators/benchmarks; and (iv) 15% upon submission and acceptance by BAIC of the final version of the final evaluation and revision of indicators/benchmarks report.
  2. Qualifications and experience. The Consultant(s) assigned to the job must have demonstrated knowledge of current evaluation theory and practice. Experience evaluating development projects, preferably those that are related to Marine Biology and Marine Economics within rural communities; and also having a good understanding of Andros communities would be an asset. Consultants with (or Consultant teams combining) these qualifications are encouraged to apply.
  3. Presentation of proposals and selection criteria. Interested Consultants should present a proposal to the BAIC briefly outlining (i) a methodology for conducting the work under this consultancy (max 2 pages); (ii) a proposed work plan (max 2 pages); (iii) the names and CVs of the individual Consultants to be assigned to the job; (iv) the estimated number of days that each of the Consultants will work on the assignment; and (v) an itemized budget and indication of the total cost of the proposed work plan. The BAIC will select the best proposal in collaboration with IDB. BAIC will under no circumstances increase the agreed amount of the consultancy once a contract has been drawn up.

Proposals should be presented by February 15th, 2018 addressed to:

Att: Project Coordinator

Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation

P.O. Box N-4940

Nassau, Bahamas


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